Covid-19 AstraZeneca Vaccine -My Experience with the first shot

In this post, I would like to share with you my experience with the Covid 19 – AstraZeneca vaccine. I know that the topic is very popular at the moment and probably many of you are faced with the dilemma of whether to get vaccinated or not. If you are interested in finding out what my experience with the first shot of the vaccine was, just keep reading.

Application of the vaccine

I’ll start with the fact that I’ve never been sceptical about vaccines, whatever they are. As someone with experience in healthcare, I believe in science as the only way out of such pandemics. I ran to get vaccinated as soon as it was announced that there was an open 24-hour vaccination office in the city where I live. I hadn’t thought about which vaccine I would have preferred, as it didn’t matter to me, and only AstraZeneca vaccines were available in the office. More information about the AstraZeneca vaccine you can find here.

I didn’t have to wait long in front of the office and after I filled out a declaration of consent, they measured my blood pressure, asked me if I was allergic to anything and applied the vaccine. The application itself was absolutely painless and very fast for me. I was advised not to wash the place where the shot was made for the next 24 hours. In case of severe flu-like symptoms, I was advised to take paracetamol only when I needed it.

How I felt after the vaccine

After I got home I felt good for the next 10 hours (I was vaccinated with AstraZeneca vaccine at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and I felt the first discomfort at 6 am in the morning). I woke up with a slightly rised temperature – 37.3 degrees. The feeling was not so unpleasant and I managed to make breakfast and work. In the afternoon of the same day, however, I experienced a terrible headache that was unresponsive to paracetamol. The same can be said for temperature and fever, which was already almost 39 degrees. The fever continued into the night, accompanied by profuse sweating, and I did not feel relief until the morning. In the morning I woke up refreshed, the temperature had dropped and the headache was almost gone. It sounds incredible, but honestly, the discomfort ends as quickly as it starts.

Don’t be afraid! Get Vaccinated!

That is why in conclusion I would like to encourage everyone not to be afraid! I look forward to my second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which will allow me to travel again and feel protected! I will be able to calmly spend time with my loved ones and enjoy life as it was before! In the meantime, If you would like to boost your immune system, you can check my post on this topic here.
I will post again about the second dose of the vaccine as soon as I receive it. Until then…

Stay positive! Stay Beauty guided!